Saturday, August 9, 2008

Causes of Snoring in Children (Snoring Causes)

Snoring Causes

Occasional snoring may be normal to children. Recent studies show that 3 to 12 percent of children between the age of 1 and 9 snore. But frequency doesn’t mean normality. Habitual snoring can be a cause of a more serious medical condition called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) or simply, sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by loud snoring with periods of breathing interruptions. Interruptions may be short or prolonged, usually between 5 to 30 seconds. During this period, the child's could not get straight sleep. He rouses and moves to another sleeping position, then resumes sleep. After a while he will once again begin snoring. This activity often happens several times during the night, each night. Although this condition rarely appears on children, it is very important that parents should watch out for symptoms that come along with it.

Symptoms of sleep apnea include

• Poor speech habits - talking that sounds like words over a mouthful of hot potato.
• Reduced growth rate. Children suffering from sleep apnea use more energy in breathing during the night. During meals, they tend to eat slowly since it is hard for them to breathe and chew at the same time. The result is, they have insufficient nutrients to support their growth.
• Hyperactivity. Lack of sleep can cause drowsiness on children during the day. To stay awake, children act frantically.
• Poor performance in school. Since children do not get the right sleep during the night, they tend to appear tired and lack the concentration to focus at school, thus, having a poor performance.

Continue reading... When these symptoms are visible, it is imperative for parents to bring their child to a pediatrician and have him examined. A child can be happy and smiling when he is brought to the doctor and therefore, it is difficult to diagnose if he really has sleep apnea. Parents are advised to record their child's snoring so that the doctor can analyze the situation in actually.

Meanwhile, sleep apnea is not the sole reason why children snore. Other reasons include allergy attack, obesity, asthma, and enlargement of adenoids and/or tonsils caused by cold or tonsillitis.

Some allergy attacks can cause swelling on the linings of the nose that can direct to the enlargement of adenoids. This keeps the child from breathing normally. This causes the child to snore. After the allergy attack, the snoring stops.

Obesity can also lead to snoring. In fact, 20% and 40% of the obese children snore. This is because fats can form around the throat that can cause constriction and makes the limited airways. Also, fats in the stomach can cause the diaphragm to function irregularly

Asthma is said to be another cause why children snore. A study revealed that 40% of the children diagnosed with asthma snore.

Enlargement of adenoids and/or tonsils caused by cold or tonsillitis also results to snoring. While cold or tonsillitis can be cured by decongestant and antibiotics, adenoid enlargement is treated by surgical procedure to remove adenoids and tonsils.

Underdevelopment of the jaw inside the womb can cause snoring as well. There is also the possibility that the nerves and the muscles cannot control the airway properly and cause that child to snore.

Snoring Causes

Causes of Snoring and Finding Treatment through Surgery (Snoring Causes)

Snoring Causes

Snoring is among the most common sleep problems. While it is neither a debilitating nor death threatening condition, it still causes some grave problems that may or may not directly root from its effects.

Most middle-aged men are the victims and there is high risk towards obese persons. This is true since fleshy necks are most likely to have more muscles that would collapse during relaxed breathing.

Snoring roots from narrowed air passage in between the throat and the nose. When we sleep, this passage narrows due to relaxation of the tissues. This explains why we only snore when we are at our most restful position.

With a narrowed passage, the pressure of the air from the mouth and back are highly increased. Thus, this will drive the flapping muscles to vibrate more, which in turn create the snoring sounds.

Anything that helps narrow the air passage and the muscles to relax will most likely initiate the vibrations. Say, substances that promote muscle relaxation will encourage the tongue to fall back or the throat muscles to be relived from tension.

Stuffy nose can also be considered as a culprit since it limits the space in which air can pass through. Thus, there are specific cases of snoring that only occur when one has colds or inflamed sinuses.

Snoring can also be attributed to the position by which the patient sleeps. Sleeping on one's back will cause your tongue and throat muscles to be pulled back by gravity. Therefore, patients are advised to get used with a sideward sleep position.

Continue reading... Since the only problem here is the unwanted relaxation of the muscles and tissues lining the respiratory tract, specifically the throat and the nasal passages, the most possible cure is to repair any excess muscles.

An otolaryngologist will help determine what truly causes your snoring problem. He is a specialist in conditions that are directly linked with ear, nose and throat problems. He is the only authority that can create a thorough examination of your condition.

The traditional method of surgery for snoring is the uvulopalatoharyngoplasty or UPPP, which aims to widen the air passages. This process normally removes excess tissues that cause the narrowing of the throat, including uvula tissue, adenoids, tonsils and those that are covered by the pharynx.

The more intensive version of this method called laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty or LAUP uses laser in the removal of the muscles that inhibit normal air passage.

Both methods normally work best for mild snorers and don't necessarily work for those who are suffering from sleep apnea or disruptive snoring.

Nasal surgery, on the other hand, is recommended for patients whose snoring is caused by unnecessary blockage in the nasal septum.

Tongue Suspension Procedure is a method that aims to keep the tongue from falling back. This is done by inserting a small screw in the lower jaw to which the tongue is stitched below.

Shrinking of throat tissue is also a common method of creating solutions. Somnoplasty is a method that uses an electrode needle that release energy to shrink the excess tissue. This then will be reabsorbed by the body.

Surgery may not be a simple way of fixing your floppy throat muscles. But this procedure creates the ultimate solutions. Remember though that there are specific methods for specific causes. Be careful that you first discuss all concerns with your physician so that proper treatment is delivered to you.

Snoring Causes

Snoring Help: Cures against the Nocturnal Dilemma (Snoring Causes)

Snoring Causes

Half of human life is consumed only through sleep. All that's left are used for waking hours. Some people achieve this bar, others exceed. But there are those who don't and who simply cant.

These are the snorers. People with obstructed sleep that often deprives them of restful dreams and normal waking hours.

Even when these people hope for rested bedtimes, snoring will continue to linger until they are left with no choice but find treatments.

But you see, there are literally so many ways to temporarily or permanently eliminate this loud, disturbing noise. Only, you have to find them and be willing to exchange risks if needed.

The first step you would like to follow is to evaluate what type of snorer you are. Knowledge of the cause is, in general, helpful in facilitating the cures. This is better illustrated with health conditions for which the root causes are unidentifiable. Often, these don't have immediate cures which tend to exacerbate the condition first until everything else is left to fate.

Continue reading... If you are overweight, try reducing some pounds. Most obese persons seem to have developed snoring. This is because they have highly decreased space in their respiratory tracts. Thus, more vibration is likely to occur. Add to this the fact that their air passages are fleshier which elevates the likelihood of creating further resonance in the sound.

Avoid taking relaxant substances immediately before sleep. Too much relaxation in the muscle of the throat is known to cause the blockages since the muscles can possibly flip-flap better when relaxed. This also explains why we only experience snoring when sleeping since the muscles at this state are relaxed. People with this condition are often advised to sleep lightly while keeping a tensed state so muscles are put into proper order.

Refrain from eating dairy products right before you sleep, these can help build up mucus in your air passages.

A classic knowledge among snorers is that sleeping on the back further initiate snoring. It is advisable that one keeps a side sleep position.

While it may not directly cure snoring, following a strict and regular sleep routine will help regulate your sleep. If you lack sleep from the other night's snoring accounts, this can be compensated by forming a more regular sleep pattern.

Minimize the softness of your pillows. This would contribute to the non-relaxed state of your neck during sleep. Remember that snoring roots from too relaxed throat muscles.

By all means, moisturize your throat and lessen the congestion.

Smoking does not only kill the lungs, it also causes the cells lining the tissue of your throat to develop into a form not fit for accommodating further nuisance. This then leads to irritation that is a contributing factor to snoring. Smoking also causes inflammation and swelling in the respiratory tract.

Nasal strips are effective in reducing snoring since these products create wider airflow by opening up nostrils. Anti-snoring sprays and pills might also be effective too.

There are hundreds of snoring devices available both online and offline. This type of treatment range from adjustable beds to nasal valve dilators.

Don't be surprised if some products wont work for you. But you see, in general they always do. After all, they were created and patented to fit your exact needs to facilitate treatment of your nocturnal dilemma.

Snoring Causes

Nasal Breathing Solutions to Snoring (Snoring Causes)

Snoring Causes

Snoring is often not a debilitating condition. But this does not negate the fact that its effects can range from keeping you or your bed partner awake during the night up to causing you daytime irritation. Not much of a trouble right? Yes, for the mean time.

If you would not want to take the risks of letting the effects of snoring distract you both on your waking and sleeping hours, you can avail of the various snoring solutions that are sure to provide some relief.

Since the simplest sock-covered tennis ball stitched on a snorer's pajama top, many snoring devices has already emerged. In fact, there are some 300 patented devices for which the number of variations is unknown. Thus, you are sure to find one solution that will fit your preferences.

In this article, we will site some of the basic snoring solutions. You will find that some are quite simplistic in creating solutions but many are rather intensive and would require careful decisions.

One basic product that you would find under a number of manufacturers' names are the nasal breathing aids.

These snoring solutions aim to facilitate better breathing through the nose. Thus, such products only target problems that are directly linked with nasal difficulties. However, if you are breathing well enough with your nose, then you might find your luck with other devices. Nevertheless, we will try to discuss here some of the varieties and their uses.

Continue reading...Nasal breathing devices can best help those who breathe using their mouths. This is specially helpful when you are just starting with shifting your breathing from nasal to mouth both at night and day time.

Remember that these nasal breathing devices would not give you the final cure nor would they provide the all-in-one package solution. You will need to make some changes that would help deliver better treatment. You may need to practice yourself with exercises in breathing or create ways to keep your jaw from falling while sleeping.

The most common nasal breathing aids are the nasal strips. These are patterned on band-aid designs only differing with two flat plastic bands. These are worn across the nose which then create a pulling effect on the nostrils to keep them wide. You may have seen devices like these used by athletes to help them breathe freer during competitions.

Nasal braces, on the other hand, are breathing devices that are inserted into the nose to help create wider air passages. The advantage of these is that they dontt fall off more easily than nasal strips.

A number of nose clips have mechanisms that can facilitate better blood flow and can energize nasal tissues to help in keeping the passages open.

If you would not want the inconvenience of these devices, you can go for an air-blower like solution. This is known as Continuous Positive Air Pressure or CPAP. More refined products using its principle are the AutoPAP and the BiPAP for which attachments and settings can create breathing possible after you have stopped breathing yourself (these are most effective for sleep apnea sufferers).

Some nasal breathing products are especially engineered for specific snorers. Be careful not to go for anything that you find pleasing or convenient, careful analysis must be done or you may seek guidance first from your physician.

Snoring Causes

What Truly Creates Snoring Relief (Snoring Causes)

Snoring Causes

It is not unusual if you have already tried a couple of stop snoring devices and products to no avail. This does not point out that such products don't work, its just that "misdiagnosis" of the root cause may qualify us to certain solutions that were not fit for the condition in the first place.

We most commonly go for easy solutions, forgetting that oaks don't grow overnight. In the same way, we have to initiate efforts that are often life-changing. It may feel awkward to breathe through your nostrils during the night when for long time, you have been practicing mouth breathing. Or you may not find lifestyle changes if you have already learned to love smoking or alcohol. But you see, nothing comes out easy. We often have to toil for things to come into their own places before we expect some things to happen.

You may have already considered taking surgeries, medications and dental implants. Well, it will always be a matter of preference and no one should restrict you from getting the benefits in the process. However, these options often let you spend big time. Add to this the fact that surgeries are often elective and not covered by insurance policies.

There is no fixed way of dealing with snoring though. It is more or less a matter of trial and error before you can actually arrive to a possible treatment or cure of your condition. However, if we are to look at the bigger picture of things, applying the various tips that we often hear from snorers who have found relief all work in ways that benefit us.

Continue reading...You may have been advised somewhere to stop smoking and alcohol intake. Well, even if stopping from using these two substances haven't doled you out yet from the effects of snoring then rest assured that somehow, you are helped in ways you can't have first imagined. (But believe us, once you stop taking these two substances, you are already one step closer to reducing the frequency of your snores.)

Snoring is caused by any sort of blockages in the throat, mouth and the nose. So basically, the relief would come from resolving the blockages on these parts. While this is the basic idea you would find it hard to find a specific cure for your condition since there are various contributing factors that may also be considered as the root cause of the vibration in the throat.

But you see, the end cure is always to get rid of the blockage or to add space in the throat.

Say for example, snoring surgeries are often aimed at removing these blockages by either cutting off some tissues around the throat and the mouth that are believed to cause the hindrance. Pills, on the other hand, are made to open up the air passages. Be careful though in using medications since most can cause side effects. Please always seek medical advice before attempting to use over-the-counter pills so that danger is reduced.

There are also a number of stop snoring devices and products that are designed specifically to induce relief from snoring. They may come with funny names but using them would certainly be a plus on your side.

Nasal strips, chin straps, Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Appliances, dental and oral appliances, adjustable beds, and stop snoring sprays are only some of the many choices you may take. These all aim at either keeping your tongue from falling back or to widening the air passages so as to avoid the collapse of certain muscles.

Be patient though in finding the right product for you. It may take some real trial-and-error, research, evaluation and practice before you can truly come up with a product that suits you best.

Snoring Causes

Monday, August 4, 2008

Jaw exercise- a natural remedy to snoring troubles! (Snoring Causes)

Snoring Causes

How does a night in front of a favorite tv show, relaxing and massaging your jaw and muscles with a throat exercise sounds? Soothing and rejuvenating, right? And to add to its advantage, why not do an exercise that, in the same manner, will cure your snoring troubles? If your snoring had moved your mate out of your room, this is the chance to win him/her back!

Then you can hit three birds in one sitting-you relax yourself, and you get to exercise your muscles as you cure the troubles of snoring.

The benefit of exercising the jaw is that it gets stronger and when you sleep, the palate doesn’t drop in your throat, thus, there would be no hindrance to the air passage. There would be no involuntary vibration of the soft palate and say goodbye to snoring.

How does a morning with a fully charged energy to get through the tasks of the day sounds? Then your spouse will tell you how peaceful and quiet the past night was. A sprightly morning kiss perhaps will inspire you more to accomplish another great day. This will be the gift of jaw exercise that you can benefit without spending a single amount.

The most common hindrance to breathing is a tensed jaw. Because it blocks the airway, the soft palate vibrates at the back part of the throat. So the annoying sound called snoring is created. With this exercise, the jaw is opened up as it strengthens the muscles concerned for respiration.

Continue reading...To start with, put the upper molar and the lower molar together. Slowly, feel your lips touching each other in a very light manner. Then open your mouth as wide as you can without stressing it. Repeat this procedure for how many counts with the only focus on your molars. Like the hinges of the door, your molars should be put together and your jaw lowered. By doing this, you will feel the muscles of your jaw strengthened and the back part of the mouth seemed to be opening. This tissue which you feel at the back of your mouth is the one hindering your air passage. It is normal to feel like the muscle is contracting at the back of the throat. And continuous repetition of the exercise puts that muscle on its proper position while clearing your breathing.

This exercise is surely effective because it hits right to the root of the problem. For all you know, the obstruction to the air passage gives a hard time for air to get to your lungs. This causes the drop off in the area of airways. And as the area is decreased, the velocity of the air increases, creating that flapping sound which annoys your spouse at night.

Strengthening the jaw is a major step to prevent and cure snoring. In case your problem wasn’t resolved by this exercise, that could mean another thing. Snoring can be a symptom of a severe disease especially those linking to the heart. To avoid sudden death or heart attack, consult your doctor for other possible remedies. This exercise is a natural remedy which you can try in your own homes. All it requires is a little effort and diligence and the effect is instantaneous. Its time you enjoy sleeping without that snoring problem.

Snoring Causes

Stop Snoring Remedies: From Nasal Sprays to Surgeries (Snoring Causes)

Snoring Causes

Snoring would have been nothing if all people sleep alone in their solo beds, away from anyone that could hear. But as we all know, most of us have bed partners who are often get annoyed with sleep-disturbing noises.

Good thing, there is already a wide spectrum of stop snoring remedies that may find yours (or your partner's) relief.

Nasal sprays are normally used by mild snorers who would not want to get bothered with attaching nasal strips and clips at night or of taking the permanence of nasal surgeries.

While reports on the use of nasal sprays vary, it still shows that some snorers find good use in them.

Nasal sprays work by tightening and lubricating the muscles surrounding the throat and the mouth. This way, the vibration caused by excess muscles would be set off, thus the production of sounds can be prevented. There are no definite claims on the lasting effects of such sprays so they would only be effective so long as the use is continued.

Nasal sprays are not only helpful for mild snorers. Snoring may also occur due to change of weather, diet or any factor that can trigger its causes. Such cases can be resolved through using nasal sprays.

Continue reading...While most stop snoring remedies focus on the obstructive tissues that cause the blockages in the air passages, there are those that resolve things through keeping the outside mechanisms from triggering the snores.

Chin cushions and chinstraps will keep your mouth in place. But how does keeping one's mouth close helps against snoring?

Well, there are types of snorers who breathe on their mouths. Mouth breathing is known to be one of the many causes of the vibrating sounds during sleep. It has been observed that once breathing is shifted towards nasal processes, some types of snoring can be helped.

When one's mouth is open, the jaw will drop. Thus, creating space where the tongue may fall back towards the throat. When this occurs, vibration is possible. If one's tongue is kept from collapsing, it is less likely that the throat would produce snores.

The chinstrap works by holding the jaws together which prevent them from falling apart. Chin cushions, on the other hand, have the added benefits of preventing the head from dropping forward. This way, easier breathing can be facilitated since the airways are wider when the head is kept back.

Taping the mouth can often be awkward but this does not necessarily mean that the technique is ineffective.

Chin up strips are tapes worn beneath the mouth to help redirect mouth breathing towards nasal breathing. The advantage of which is that it does not prevent the mouth from moving freely through covering it but it lays its support at the bottom of the lip. Thus, one can sneeze, cough and breathe in the mouth at will. The disadvantage though is that when this occurs, the effectivity of the chin up strip is lessened.

All stop snoring remedies mentioned here are just aids to relieve you from the troubles of snoring. They can't exactly cure your condition. If you want permanent solution, the best option you may run to is surgery. Be careful though that long term effects (and possible damage) go with this decision. Careful examination of your condition must be delivered and thoughtful decision making must be made.

Snoring Causes

Types of Surgeries as Treatments for Snoring (Snoring Causes)

Snoring Causes

Snoring is known to be the end result of the vibration happening in the upper airway which includes parts such as the throat, mouth and the nose. Due to blockages, turbulence is caused during respiration. While we breathe virtually the whole day, we only snore at night because our muscle tone is very much reduced at sleeping which encourages the collapse of these tissues. Plus, the relaxed muscles are incapable of preventing themselves from collision.

Snoring can basically originate anywhere from the nose down to the vocal chords. Recently, researchers found out that the tongue plays certain roles in causing and aggravating one's snores.

Snoring is involuntary, so there's no use of trying to control it at will. It cant also be cured using simple measures. However, it can be controlled by means of various devices and techniques.

However when snoring becomes too difficult for a commonly applied method to handle, it could be the right idea to check on surgical methods to deal with it. There are various surgical procedures to correct this sleeping problem. But not all may be used in all cases.

Continue reading...Sometimes, thorough evaluation of the physical and physiological factors must be rendered before an otolaryngologist would come up with the most effective measures. Otolaryngologists are the specialists on problems directly related with the throat, mouth and the nose.

Another known treatment for snoring is the Tongue Suspension Procedure or Repose. This works by inserting a small screw under the tongue into the jaw. This way, the tongue will be prevented from falling back during sleep. While many report of its effectivity in controlling the cause of snores, most physicians agrees that this is an irreversible option so careful thinking is evaluation.

For snorers whose main cause of snoring is the nose, nasal surgery is most likely to find the solution. While it is considered, in general, as a cosmetic type of surgery too few can deny that it actually works for problematic snoring.

This method is also used for patients who are suffering from deviated nasal septum. This doesn't only help the snorer during his sleep but can also add comfort in breathing during the day.

The LAUP or Laser-Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty is the advanced modification of the traditional treatment called Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or UPPP. This procedure works by cutting the uvula (which is the dangling part that most often than not causes the obstruction of the air passage) that is located at the rear part of the roof of the mouth. This procedure works best when the persistent problem lies on the uvula.

Radio Frequency Tissue Ablation, also known as Samnoplasty, is a relatively new technique approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This also basically removes parts of the uvula.

While there is not much data published in relation with Coblation-Channeling, we are for certain that this method employs the principle of removing any tissue that obstructs the air passage by means of radio frequency. On some cases, tissues are fully removed when the need arises.

Surgery as treatment for snoring must be taken as the last resort when everything else you've tried failed. Before diving into an option, be sure that you are completely evaluated of the actual causes of your condition. Ensure yourself also that you have the best doctor in your spectrum of choices.

Snoring Causes